Les Bienfaits du Quartz fumé

The Benefits of Smoky Quartz

The virtues of Smoky Quartz

Passionate about their virtues, to make it easier for you, I have done extensive research bringing together the different properties on the mental, physical and spiritual level.
The stones are there for your well-being but do not stop your treatment.
In lithotherapy, it is seen as the stone of responsibility and refocusing. Thus, it would help to calm strong emotions that prevent thinking from being effective, and would improve lucidity and concentration. It helps us to think better and to get rid of the irrational fears, anxieties, and inner contradictions of which we are prisoners. It also improves self-confidence, but also the ability to open up to others. It would have a positive effect on us, allowing us to make the right decisions. It would chase away negative thoughts and combat sadness. It would allow its wearer to refocus their energies on accessible objectives, in order to avoid failure and disillusionment. For people with mood disorders, it would offer stabilization. It would help us to connect more often to our body and listen to the messages it sends to us (such as hunger, thirst, instinct, the need for rest), in order to maintain health and balance.
From a physical point of view, the smoky quartz stone would help fight against addictions. In fact, it protects the pulmonary airways and the lungs by allowing the elimination of accumulated tar. This elimination can cause coughing attacks when the vibrating cilia of the trachea and pulmonary airways return to their place to resume their filtration role. It is also said to have the ability to strengthen connective tissue and muscles (especially the heart), as well as the kidneys, pancreas and genitals. It would also have a natural positive effect on fertility. The smoky quartz stone corresponds to the Root or Mulhadara chakra, the first chakra, particularly because of its link with fertility and self-confidence.

It would teach us to integrate Light and Matter energies at the same time within our being. It is the interface, the conciliator and the link between light frequencies and material frequencies. It is the natural link between all opposing energies. Very effective, this stone plunges you into the center of the matter/antimatter encounter and helps you to precisely feel the connections between the subtle and material planes. It develops in you the ability to understand the meaning of oppositions and diversity in order to find harmony. This stone allows you to let go by bringing you deep tolerance. The idea is to no longer separate things, so that they no longer oppose each other.

It reconciles you with the duality of human nature and allows you to become aware of the difficulties of clarification, positioning and arbitration which disrupt your own paths. It allows you to understand that it is vain to seek the absolute, so that you can accept your gray areas. It gives you the serenity necessary to be able to confront situations or relationships that are a little “troubled”. There smoky quartz stone This gives you the opportunity to highlight and then defuse the conflicts and power struggles inherent in many life situations. This stone religiously guards your interior color palette. It helps you not to overdo things that are too light or too dark in order to make your life picture harmonious. It teaches you that without shadow, the light cannot be highlighted and radiate in all its splendor, and conversely, that without light, the shadow does not have the possibility of showing its depth and its mystery. You just have to find a balance. It puts you in touch with your inner self so that you carry out rational introspection, without value judgments. This will help you take stock of your inner being, without concessions or pretense. It gives you the opportunity to come face to face with yourself to be able to locate your gray areas. It allows you to identify the negative that surrounds you, and helps you to eliminate it, by anchoring positive awarenesses within you. It teaches you that white and black are relative concepts. Depending on the point of view, these colors can be perceived both positively and negatively. The mixture of the two adds a human dimension. This stone is filled with resources and teaches you to merge your strengths with those of your environment. You will thus feel able to face the most fluid situations, as well as the most difficult.

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