Les Bienfaits du Saphir jaune

The Benefits of Yellow Sapphire

The virtues of yellow sapphire

Passionate about their virtues, to make it easier for you, I have done extensive research bringing together the different properties on the mental, physical and spiritual level.
The stones are there for your well-being but do not stop your treatment.

The yellow sapphire stone is very beneficial on a psychological, emotional and intellectual level. It is recommended for people with a dark mood, a gloomy nature or who have experienced particularly difficult times. It invigorates the energy of the wearer by giving them a lot of enthusiasm and joy. Sapphires are gems associated with independence of mind and action, expression and communication. They stimulate and order ideas, calm and clarify thoughts and feelings. They help you see the potential of a situation and the pleasures of life and achieve your goals with complete confidence. The yellow sapphire stone provides confidence and clairvoyance, encourages boldness and a spirit of initiative with full knowledge of the facts. In all areas, yellow sapphires represent a good remedy against fear and hesitation, loss of energy, procrastination and depression.


Yellow sapphire stone stimulates vitality and increases physical energy. It is a mineral known for its healing powers and a valuable support for exercise and recovery periods. It helps fight sleep disorders, soothes people prone to stress and hyperactivity and allows for more profitable sleep. It improves, restores and regulates circulation. It remedies both excessive bleeding and atrophy of veins and vessels. It helps the liver, which is one of the most vascularized organs in the body, and the gallbladder to perform their functions. It facilitates the elimination of toxins, rebalances the digestive chain, and particularly the spleen. It improves health and the immune system. Its effects are particularly visible on the development and strength of nails, hair and skin. It significantly relieves respiratory and eye problems. Its exceptional benefits have earned it at different times the reputation of protecting against plague, fever and poison.


Yellow sapphire is a very useful healing stone on a psychological, spiritual and physical level. It attracts prosperity, supports self-realization and projects, and brings great health benefits. It helps to eliminate tensions and parasitic thoughts, to overcome daily and old obstacles and to fight against disorders linked to imbalances. It is a stone of transformation (in other words, seeker transformer ) which acts like a compass to help evolution and progress on all planes of existence. It constitutes an excellent talisman in learning new skills and provides better conditions for realizing one's full potential.

yellow sapphire grants wealth and abundance.

Professionally, the yellow sapphire is the tutelary stone of professions linked to thought, authority and decision-making. It is particularly suitable for people who work in the fields of research and power, art and knowledge, politics and history, justice and business. It allows you to act with integrity, courage and discernment, without doubting or abusing your power. It inspires and opens one to ideas and beauty, invites kindness towards oneself, others and the world. It strengthens determination and perseverance, particularly in long-term projects that it directly or indirectly supports in carrying out through its many litho-therapeutic qualities.

It is a stone that encourages you to establish and maintain good relationships with those around you. It promotes clear, fair and equitable communication. It is beneficial for group work as well as in love, by focusing attention on the reciprocal desires of partners and knowledge of oneself and the other. Offer or receive a yellow sapphire is a token of love, trust and sincerity, the simple sight and possession of which soothes the feeling of loneliness or abandonment, fear and anguish. Birthstone of people born in summer, it brings together Virgo and Cancer, water and earth, under the auspice of the sun.

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