Who am I ?

Hello everyone.
My first name is Julie, I am the one behind the Tempérance jewelry brand.
I have been creating since I was little. I love being able to start from nothing and with that nothing make something original, unique, that resembles me and that pleases...
A little thing about me, when I was little, my mother said that I was a real magpie, because I was always attracted to everything that sparkled. Besides, I still am, given my job ^^
A quick look back at my studies: I had the opportunity to discover several professions, but it was when I studied business that I began to feel like I belonged. Thanks to that, I obtained my diploma. After that I started looking for an employer. I met several people there, but it was when I worked in a jewelry store that I really felt like I was where I was supposed to be. Being a magpie ^^. We sold jewelry with fine stones, I was passionate about their beauty, their diversity and their characteristics. I fell in love with them. Subsequently I became even more interested and that's when I discovered their benefits. A new world opened up to me.
Since everything comes to an end, I had to find a new job. Still in business. Except that one day, my body gave up on me. I become seriously ill. I would remain seriously ill for over a year. During this period I discovered my condition "I have long-term covid and fibromyalgia" in broad terms...and realized that the job I do is no longer possible. Hard blow. Being of a nature not to give up, I immerse myself in my passion. Creating jewelry using brass wire. This allows me to free my mind from this permanent state that I had to face every day, with ups and downs. Wanting to improve my skills in creation, I took on the challenge of creating a silver ring. Since this first ring I have not stopped creating with silver ^^ As soon as my health improves I go to Brussels to "atelier_du_bijou_contemporain" to validate my skills and improve my skills in setting and train myself in the galvanization.
Since November 1, 2023 I opened my company. A victory !
Today I am proud to offer you jewelry in solid silver, gold plated and vermeil, imagined, designed, made with passion and love in my workshop in Lorraine.